Scientific Botanical Illustrations
Began her professional career as a scientific botanical illustrator in 2018, producing work for Singapore Botanic Gardens. Her drawings were included in scientific publications such as flora monographs, taxonomic papers, and new species descriptions primarily using dried and alcohol-preserved herbarium specimens. She is currently contributing illustrations to the 10-year project ‘Flora of Singapore’ spearheaded by the Singapore Botanic Gardens under the National Parks Board (NParks). It aims to catalogue and describe all the plant species that can be found in Singapore,
from mosses to flowering plants.
All images © Loh Xiang Yun
Flora of Singapore

Wrightia laevis hook.f.

Dischidia nummularia R.Br.

Homalium grandiflorum Benth.

Alstonia angustiloba Miq.

Gongronema wallichii (Wight) Decne.

Alstonia angustiloba Miq.

Tabernaemontana pauciflora Blume

Secamone maingayi (Hook.f.) rodda

Gongronema wallichii (Wight) Decne.

Leuconotis griffithii Hook.f.

Hoya latifolia G.Don

Vincetoxicum flexuosum (R.Br.) Kuntze